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This is how it turned out.

This is how it turned out.

It’s tempting to be in fantasy about someday. That fuzzy, happy-ever-after when you get the job, the romantic partner, the family. The bank account is full of dough, the house is just right, you are slim and trim + know how to pick...

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Tooting our own horn + the concept of mudita*

Tooting our own horn + the concept of mudita*

One of my favorite words in the world is mudita... It is a Sanskrit word that means sympathetic joy or vicarious joy. It's the genuine pleasure we get from celebrating others. It's the deep joy we experience when someone we love is happy....

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Creative practices save me.

Creative practices save me.

We have a choice (moment to moment) about where we put our attention. This doesn't mean that we deny the pain + suffering that's happening in the world (or in ourselves). These things are very real. This isn't about pushing away what we...

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What does it cost us when we hide?

What does it cost us when we hide?

I got quiet over the last several years. Separation, divorce, dating... suddenly my stories were not just my own but intertwined with others in very real ways. I wasn't sure what I could share anymore. I didn't want to hurt anyone....

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What’s Jazzercise got to do with it?

What’s Jazzercise got to do with it?

I went to Jazzercise with a friend last week. When she asked me, I thought about the last time I did it - circa 1982 - and the fond memories of doing the grapevine across the floor of a grange hall in Santa Cruz. But all these years...

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Pebbles in the river of motherhood.

As Ben lay his head down on the pillow, he said with unbridled excitement, “I can’t wait to get my white belt tomorrow!” I paused, "Ben, I don’t think they give out white belts the first day of class. Don’t get your hopes up, kay?” His...

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Life update*

Life update*

Hey sweet friends! It's been a while + I wanted to send a little update from the whirl that is life over here! 1.The book! Wonder Seeker is coming out SO SOON. If you have ordered your book (omg thank you!!) it should arrive by November...

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Even a wounded world is feeding us*

Even a wounded world is feeding us*

"Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the Earth gives me daily and I must return...

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