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The only safe place to go.

The only safe place to go.

I've been flatlining for months - exhausted, crawling into bed at 2pm each day, wondering where all my energy has gone. I listen to the news and it's full of vitriol and hate. Bombs. Shootings. More hate. I can hardly listen without going...

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The learning cycle + the messy middle.

The learning cycle + the messy middle.

When I started my coaching training back in 2006, they presented us with the learning cycle you see above. Basically, you start off not knowing everything you don't know. (You know that saying, I thought I was a pretty good parent until I...

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When I’m feeling lost, I call in the healers.

When I’m feeling lost, I call in the healers.

Actually, even when I'm not feeling lost, I call in the healers! Intuitive coaching has been a huge part of my support system since my early 20's. Something about the big picture perspective that astrology and other spiritual modalities...

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My form of spiritual bypass – magical thinking.

My form of spiritual bypass – magical thinking.

If you have taken Mondo Beyondo, you know that one way we prepare for our dreams to come our way is to make a clearing. A clearing is a wide open space that tells the Universe you mean business. It is a space that you make in your heart,...

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I’ve been afraid to share this.

I’ve been afraid to share this.

And there was a new voice Which you slowly Recognized as your own, That kept you company -Mary Oliver, from the poem The Journey It happened the other day on the phone with Kaiser. We had scheduled some sort of psych evaluation after I...

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Do you have a secret project in you?

Do you have a secret project in you?

We all have secret dreams. Secret little (or big!) projects that no one is waiting for, that we wonder if we are crazy to imagine, that we talk ourselves out of on the regular. It's that book that's been stirring in your heart, that blog...

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This is love.

This is love.

I drove to pick him up after the Halloween festivities. It was a rough day of parenting a teen. “You know how I was really angry today?” I began. He nodded. “I think I was actually more hurt than angry.” “Can you tell me more?” he said....

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