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It is solved by walking.

It is solved by walking.

I was talking with friends the other day about how certain activities change your body chemistry, how you can jump in water, or simply walk along the ocean and breathe in that air and your body alters with every step. You feel different....

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We are all a pain in the ass. ❤️

We are all a pain in the ass. ❤️

This might sound like an unlikely love note, but hear me out. I've been in a new, blossoming love relationship. It's rainbows + hearts and all the delicious things! And, as is inevitable, we've also recently stumbled into a patch of real....

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Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.

Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.

Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." This was one of our writing prompts this week in Mexico - a line from a poem by Jack Gilbert. I've always loved that line. So much permission in it - and really, it's the only way that anything...

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