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Wobbly times.

Wobbly times.

I'm feeling wobbly over here. Quiet. Not sure of anything anymore - should I keep going with this business? Does the work I do matter? Will I be able to continue making a living this way? Why does everything feel so scary in the world...

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Your only job is to breathe and not resist.

Your only job is to breathe and not resist.

For many years, I tried to keep my life tidy, clean and tended to judge others who had drama... or perhaps, more accurately, complexity. I can see now that being above drama was the way I tried to manage my life, keep it simple and pared...

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You get to have this.

You get to have this.

Oh my goodness friends, I'm moving. (I've been looking for almost a year in this crazy Bay Area housing market) It feels like a miracle of endurance and faith and letting go. It's not fancy. In fact, it's modest and the kitchen is tiny...

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Finding your creative gold.

Finding your creative gold.

Dear Friends, My incredible writing teacher and friend Laurie Wagner and I are co-leading a workshop this October 7th-9th! And it's all about Waking up the Wheelhouse and finding your creative gold. We're going to help you find your sweet...

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