Katarina (Kato) Wittich has had the great privilege to act as a midwife for many other humans as they journey toward wholeness and self love. She is a certified Rosen Practitioner, Yuen Practitioner, and Family Constellations Facilitator. It is her joy to be a perpetual student of the mystery and beauty of humanness, of our experience of ourselves as separate, and yet woven together in ways we can barely comprehend but can directly experience through the group practice of Constellations.
Her work is featured in episode five of the Netflix series “Sex, Love & Goop”, in which she leads constellations for a couple who wish to avoid repeating the inherited family patterns which have damaged their previous relationships. Kato is grateful to have had the opportunity to facilitate in the first mainstream television exposure for this profound and life changing work, in which you can witness the impossible wonder of our interconnectedness, unlimited by time or physicality. For more information watch the episode on Netflix or go to
In the rest of her life, she is a screenwriter, director, painter, dancer and general lover of all things creative, embodied and human.