I’ve been craving the real lately… the in-person, the things I can touch with my hands, the things that are not mediated by a screen or a device. I can see you nodding your heads out there, right?
Once or twice a year I go back to my roots and get busy making superhero jewelry. Colorful beads that look like hard candy sit in bowls on my desk, thick sterling silver wire gets bent with pliers… and all the while, podcasts and music flow in the background. It’s my bliss -one of the places I find deep joy and nourishment.
My joy is also in sharing them! And seeing them on friends like on my friend Monica below… who was kind enough to model the earth necklace for me on our hike!

BIG BIRTHDAY SALE! $40 off this week only.
Get $40 off this week only. (Instead of $119 they are $79)
This might be my last hurrah in the way of superhero necklaces! So come and get em now + into the holidays.

P.S. Thank you for the incredible love in regard to my latest blog post. So glad it touched so many of you.
P.S.S. Did you see that my Wild Writing teacher (Laurie Wagner) + I are taking a group to San Miguel de Allende in March 2019? There are still spaces open. But not many. Join us!
Deference to website author, some excellent entropy.
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