The only safe place to go.

I’ve been flatlining for months – exhausted, crawling into bed at 2pm each day, wondering where all my energy has gone. I listen to the news and it’s full of vitriol and hate. Bombs. Shootings. More hate. I can hardly listen without going into a sort of trauma response. And so I turn off the radio, close the shutters on my heart, afraid to take any of it in, lest it take me down.

And then yesterday, in the dentist chair, the dam broke.

It’s not unusual for me to cry at the dentist. Something about lying on your back, mouth splayed, strangers peering inside with metal tools. I can’t think of anything more vulnerable.

“I’m sorry I keep crying,” I told the dentist. “You can do your work. It’s just really vulnerable to be in this chair. I can steel myself and try not to feel it, or drug myself out of it, but here it is.”

“I’m exactly the same as you when I have to get work done,” she replied and handed me a Kleenex and a blanket. Then she asked me if I wanted Cat Stevens or Krishna Das on the stereo. (It’s Berkeley after all!)

It was almost 2 hours in the chair- a lot of drilling and numbing and cotton, the smell of burning god knows what… fists clenched. This is suffering I thought. And I remembered the practice I learned from Kristin Neff. First, you recognize the moment as a moment of suffering. (This is suffering) Then you remind yourself that suffering is a part of life. That everyone suffers. (You haven’t done anything wrong, nor are you being punished) And in that moment you become connected to the suffering of others. You become connected to an entire human race that suffers each and every day. This is not meant to bring you down. It’s a reminder of our shared humanity. And for me, in that moment, it was a reminder of the pain in our world that I have been trying to keep at arms’s length.

Sometimes allowing a little crack in the armor- to allow ourselves to feel – also means feeling so many more layers. This might be why we avoid it. We numb ourselves with screens and work, alcohol and weed, Facebook and Instagram, busy busy. Because if we even felt into the edges of our grief, it might unleash something unmanageable, like a tidal wave of pain that we would never recover from.

This is the fear. But it’s not how it works.

There is a great story that Frank Ostaseski shared on my podcast. He is the buddhist teacher who created Zen Hospice and mentors caregivers in offering compassionate end of life care. He also wrote one of my favorite books – The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully. Frank was once giving a talk on the topic of moving toward what’s difficult and a man in the audience remarked, “It’s like telephone poles!” Confused, Frank asked him to explain:

I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. “Telephone poles? What do you mean?” I asked.

He explained that he once had a job installing telephone poles. “They’re hard and heavy, standing up to forty feet high.” There was a critical moment after you placed a pole in the ground, he said, when a pole was unstable and might topple over. “If it hit you, it could break your back.”

His first day on the job, the man turned to his partner and said, “If this pole starts to fall, I’m running like hell.”

But the old-timer replied, “Nope, you don’t want to do that. If that pole starts to fall, you want to go right up to it. You want to get real close and put your hands on the pole. It’s the only safe place to be.”

It’s counter-intuitive, but moving toward what’s difficult, being willing to feel it, is in the end the only safe place to go.

Yesterday, I had an impromptu session with my friend Laurel Bleadon-Maffei. I mentioned the synagogue in Pittsburgh and the floodgates of tears opened. “What’s the feeling inside the grief?” she asked. I thought for a moment. “Like we’re outnumbered,” I replied. “Like there is too much hate, ignorance and unconsciousness for us to stand a chance.”

This is the place of despair I’d been trying to avoid. A kind of collapse. Defeat is a familiar place for me to go. It’s hard for me to find my fight.

I’ve been doing EMDR lately. If you’ve ever experienced it, you probably know a bit about its magic. It’s a way to work with traumatic events, anxiety and other issues with the most astounding transformational effects. With the therapist I’ve been working with, I hold two small buzzers (one in each palm) that alternately vibrate in a soothing and rhythmic way. This stimulates both sides of the brain and (I believe) allows you to process more three-dimensionally.

During one of my sessions a few weeks ago, I placed myself in a scene from my childhood that was particularly charged. I watched the scene as I held these little buzzers in my hands. After a few minutes, my body began to jerk in a way I couldn’t control. “My body keeps jerking!” I said to the therapist, a little alarmed. “See what it’s trying to tell you,” she replied.

My shoulders moved forward and my chest caved in over and over again. Then I heard the words in my mind… “This is recoiling. It’s fear, disgust, terror.” I sat with it while tears streamed down my cheeks. Then something extraordinary happened.

An enormous woman with wings swooped down, like a goddess or an angel or a Renaissance painting. “Oh my god,” I said aloud. “The feminine just came in.” I don’t normally express myself this way. I rarely talk about the sacred feminine or have even fully understood the concept until this moment. But this was her.

In the vision, she wrapped my little girl self in a blanket, looked me in the eyes and said, “I’ve got you.” Then she took her gigantic hand and pointed at the person I was with who had created all that terror in me. “NO!” she boomed.

One word. No. And she carried me away.

I was stunned. And opened my eyes. “I felt her Andrea,” the therapist said. “She filled this entire room.”

I can’t remember why I am telling you all of this. Perhaps because we are all suffering as a collective, we are afraid, feeling vulnerable, trapped in a world that doesn’t feel kind or charitable. We are in our own kind of recoiling – in disgust, fear and horror.

And maybe that’s what’s needed right now. That fierce, powerful feminine to come in for us as a collective whole. To gather us up, look us in the eyes and say, I’ve got you. To point a finger to the oppressor and say “No. No more.” 

We also need the sacred masculine, defined here as:

Each of us carries within us aspects of both the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine. The true masculine is characterized by confidence without arrogance; rational thinking without a need to control; honor without a desire for war. It provides stability, strength, and courage in an ever-shifting world.

Through all these experiences – the dentists chair, talking with my friend, the EMDR – I am learning that when we open to our discomfort in a conscious way, it has the opportunity to move, to shape-shift, to instruct.

We discover resources we didn’t know we had.
We can move from flat-line mode to feeling alive again.
Creative solutions arise that would otherwise not have found a way in.

Maybe this is the best we can do right now. To show up fully and consciously for what we are all facing. To practice this kind of moving toward what hurts… not to collapse in defeat, but with the fierce love and nurture of the feminine alongside the stable strength and confidence of the sacred masculine.



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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Jane Halsey

    Exquisite and generous words of grace that I think we all need at this time. Thank you for reminding me of the sacred feminine energy we all need to call in to balance ourselves and the world. Thank you for sharing your journey and your vulnerability.

  2. Terre

    is there a charge if i sign up for emails from this site

    Please advise –

    Thanks for your attention to this .. T

  3. Deborah Williams

    Andrea, hello again. How do I learn about the sacred feminine energy and the sacred masculine energy. It sounds like something that I need to get some balance in my head. Thank you for always sharing your life.

  4. Kathleen

    Thank you for this. Your words are exactly what I needed today.

  5. Shauna Harper

    Love the rawness of this post. Thank you for sharing. Sending you love as you hold space for this collective energy I think many of us are also feeling. Also, not sure how to send a message to another comment here, so I am going to type it in my comments. There was a question about finding out more about sacred feminine energy…. there is this amazing book called “Rise Sister Rise: A Guide to Unleashing the Wise, Wild Woman Within.” It’s by Rebecca Campbell. She really opened me up to tapping more into my feminine energy. It is still a practise of listening, tuning in and intentional nurturing. I went out and bought copies of the book after I read it and handed them out…. but not everyone is willing or ready to read it. 🙂 Hope it’s something that resonates.

  6. Marya

    Thank you for sharing this, Andrea. <3 And much respect for the courage in you. <3

  7. Deborah

    this is a beautiful story. I could feel the feminine as I read it too. what a blessing. <3

  8. Rebecca

    This is so beautiful, so moving, so true. It is hard to know what to say these days in this world. You really brought something. Love that idea of the sacred feminine also being fierce in its protectiveness. And love you.

  9. Barbara

    How are you after writing this? I agree with everything said above. I’m grateful we met in Mexico years ago.

  10. Barbara

    How are you after writing this? I agree with everything said above. I’m grateful we met in Mexico years ago.

    Hmmm. Something in your program is saying I’ve already posted this before. Well, maybe in the past I said the same thing.

  11. Barbara

    How are you after writing this? I’m grateful we met in Mexico years ago.

    Hmmm. Something in your program is saying I’ve already posted this before. Well, maybe in the past I said the same thing.

  12. GemmaVa

    Amen and amen. May it be so.

  13. Pam

    Thank you Andrea for letting me witness your beautiful process. Sending you love from the snowy Rocky Mountain foothills.

  14. Hilda

    Thanks for sharing Andrea! I feel it, sending you lots of love!

  15. moyra scott

    I love the way you write Andrea.

  16. Heidi

    Amen amen amen. I’m so glad your Divine Feminine was felt by you. Thank you for sharing this.

    I’ve had that experience of feeling so overcome with sadness and remembering as you did to let it connect me to others’ pain. That let me wish for their peace and feel peace come to me then. May you also have more peace.
    You are made of Light ✨✨

  17. DeBonis Karen

    I needed this today, Andrea. I’m overwhelmed and underwhelmed with everything. I’m going to look for the sacred feminine in my life.

  18. Maureen Clancy

    I always cry at the dentist. Yes, total vulnerability, but it’s more than that. It’s a place where I connect with helplessness. No, nothing horrible happened at the dentist. It’s just always a place where I have felt helpless. So when I go, it’s a place to honor this and to talk to the little one inside to tell her I’ve got her and I’ll protect her. Holy run-on sentence!

    EMDR is wonderful. I’ve been doing it with clients for 12 years, with amazing results.

    Big hug to you!

  19. Allyson Sipple

    Thank you Andrea – such a beautiful and vulnerable share. I feel you in my heart – and such a connection as I too am feeling flatlined. This appears to be a cycle for me. The divine feminine is rising I believe. Sending much love and presence!

  20. Anna Cabrera

    Thank you, Andrea. I really needed this today. Ok to share??

  21. Leanne

    Oh Andrea, the power of words to heal. This made me cry on the train to work, both sad at the pain and joy at the healing in this for you. There is so much power in being able to translate all the feelings into a what this does/makes me feel/incite that I was not able to put into the actual situation. The recognising of a previously absorbed NO is so releasing. Really helpful that you can share this. The simplicity in words of truth is their power to ring on into the distance and free others. Such a beautiful gift.
    You are never outnumbered. There are always people who will share your heart. They may not be standing beside you when you need to see that burning bush, but they are most definitely there. Hugs, L

  22. Jay Uecker

    Exactly. I commented on one of your podcasts. I’m writing a book. This is really what my book is about. Thanks for the insight.


  23. oprolevorter

    Hey, you used to write excellent, but the last few posts have been kinda boringK I miss your tremendous writings. Past several posts are just a bit out of track! come on!



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