When the sh*t hits the fan, call in the healers.


When the sh*t hits the fan, I call in the psychics. And the healers. And the coaches. And whoever else will talk to me.

This has been a season of calling in the troops + wanted to share a list of some of my favorites. They are my go-to people when I need guidance, when I want to connect to my intuition, when I need to see more clearly where I am going. These women below are beyond gifted. We are so lucky to have them! (All of them can work with you by phone)

Juna Mustad, Relationship coach + intuitive
Juna is beyond gifted. She is a brilliant coach + also has AMAZING intuitive gifts. Her wisdom was life-changing for me.

Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, Angel readings
Laurel channels a tribe of angels on your behalf + works with your guides. The whole experience is love-filled and oozing with wisdom. I get angel readings from Laurel every couple of months + they have guided my heart + spirit in miraculous ways.

Liv Lane, Firecracker calls
She channels Spirit on your behalf. What could be better? I had a series of questions ready for her, and one by one, she shared the wisdom from her guides and mine. I felt deeply loved + guided throughout the call.

Carol Ferris, Astrological readings
Mind-blowingly good astrological chart readings. This was my first real foray into astrology + I was blown away by all that showed up in my chart. Things like, “You work for yourself and from home right? You couldn’t have it any other way.” It gave me so much permission to lean into who I actually am + where I am headed. Email her: rficf@easystreet.net

Isabel Faith Abbott, Hand Mapping
I have some really unusual lines on my hands + when I casually asked Isabel about them she gave me the most BEAUTIFUL, accurate + inspired interpretation of them. She just launched this offering officially + I am thrilled to be able to recommend her. So gifted in so many ways.


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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Elaine Lapierre

    What a team ! Thanks for sharing Andrea. Exactly what I was looking for… 🙂

  2. Carrie

    Hey Andrea ~ thanks for the list. I have a friend moving to another province & I would love to giver her a gift certificate for a reading, to help her with the uncertainty that moving brings. Of these, which one would you recommend for that type of reading? Thanks again.

  3. Kathy

    I whole-heartedly agree with your comments about Carol Ferris. I’ve been to many of all-of-the-above in the past 30 years. I heard raves about Carol years ago and have gone to her every year since (about 6 by now). She’s astoundingly accurate, and has such a great way of telling you complex astrological systems in a very understandable, story-telling way that totally makes sense to your world. I always walk away feeling at peace.

  4. Jennifer Fernandez

    What resources can poor grad students tap into? These all sound phenomenal, but I can’t pay that much. Anything available for those of us that qualify as coming waaaaaaaay under the living wage?

  5. Kristen

    I hope everything is okay.

  6. oprolevorter

    You are my inhalation, I possess few blogs and infrequently run out from to post .


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