My money memoir


Dear Superheroes,

I’ve just bared my soul about something tremendously personal: money!

It’s part of the Money Memoirs Series: a free, month-long gathering for healing and truth-telling about money, hosted by my dear friend and colleague, Bari Tessler Linden. Bari is a financial therapist who leads a year-long global money school, The Art of Money.

For the entire month of October, Bari has invited some of her favorite people to share the tender truth about their own money stories. We’re bringing our money stories out into the light. To spread a message of healing, un-shaming, and love, and to create a sacred doorway into the opening of her year long Art of Money program, which will happen in the middle of the Money Memoirs month.

Click through to Bari’s blog to hear my Money Memoir: my triumphs and challenges, how money has affected my relationships and career, and what I’ve learned from it all.

I hope hearing my story will inspire your own honest and loving un-shaming about money. And, I hope you’ll join me in celebrating everyone who shares their stories with Bari, the entire month of October. Please join us for this intimate gathering as we bring healing, humanity, and empowerment to our money relationships. Click right this way to hear my Money Memoir.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Patricia

    hi Andrea,
    As always, I am moved by the candor and courage shared in your interview. Thank you for this information. I have listened to a couple of the interviews and I am relieved to recognize that I am not alone in my discomfort around money matters.

  2. Nancy Guillery

    Thank you thank you thank you! Listening to this interview was just what I needed! I worked hard in the last year building my blog part time, and I want to take it to the next level and grow a product offering (e-course) from it. Motivation, courage has been missing. Hearing you say to not wait for something to be perfect is what I needed! We do all have a money shame story, and for some reason mine is about not beliving I can market myself and offer a product that will appeal to people. Living4impact and its e-courses will soar!

  3. or you should concede and call in an expert to do

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    and you can plan on doing more home repairs in the future.

  4. oprol evorter

    Really excellent info can be found on blog. “An executive is a person who always decides sometimes he decides correctly, but he always decides.” by John H. Patterson.


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