Happy Birthday sweet Nico!

Nico’s birthday, shot with Canon Xsi

Dear Nico,

You turned 2 yesterday.

You weren’t quite sure what a birthday was, or why everyone kept mentioning it, but I love that you sang Happy Birthday to yourself at odd times throughout the day. Unbearably cute.

There are so many things I love about you Neeks. Here are some highlights:

Your feet. They make me crazy. They are delicious and edible.

Your rainbow eyes. There is a particular smile you do that melts all of us- especially Ben. He will shout from the other room, “He’s doing it! He’s doing the rainbow smile!” and I will run over to catch a glimpse of it. It’s that cute. This is where you smile so big that your eyes turn into two squinty rainbows.

Your appetite. I love a kid with an appetite! and you’ve got it in spades. You are my best customer.

You’re a hugger. This is something else I didn’t know the pleasures of until we had you. You especially love to hug Ben. You have turned him into a hugger too.

Your nicknames for Ben. First it was B. You somehow made B a two-syllable word. “Be- eeee!” Beeeee?” Now you call him “Benda” which he doesn’t love but he’s getting used to it.

Really Neeks, everything about you is delicious. Just seeing your face makes me burst inside.

Your middle name is Boon because you are an unexpected blessing in our lives. Something to be thankful for. A prayer answered. Thank you for being such a perfect addition to our family. We didn’t realize you were the missing piece to our puzzle. And we love you ferociously and with all our hearts.


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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Kristin Noelle

    Aw. Happy birthday, Nico! And happy birthday to you, too, Andrea – the birth of being mama to these two.

  2. vivienne

    Happy Birthday Nico!!!

  3. Robyn

    Happy 2nd Nico! Where has the year gone? I remember when Nico was born! (That means Quentin’s bday is fast approaching!) And Ben’s and Sean’s! Can you believe they’re turning 6? Your boys are adorable.

  4. Viola

    That gave me tears. Happy birthday Nico! We love you.

  5. Renee

    Happy birthday, Nico! Well done, Mama Andrea 🙂

  6. GailNHB

    Dear Mama Andrea,

    Thank you for loving Nico Boon so fully and deeply, so passionately and openly. Thank you for showing all of us that, in spite of fear, panic, doubt, and worry, love is still possible. Love is always a choice.

    You are a great Mama, dear Andrea. Thanks for sharing Nico, Ben, Matthew, and yourself with all of us.

    Love, Gail

  7. Jennifer

    Happy Birthday Nico! May the year ahead bring you lots of fun, great things to laugh and be entertained by, big hugs from everyone in your community, and lots of adventures in learning.

  8. Tina

    Mmm…so so sweet! I can’t believe he’s 2. I remember those years when you were struggling to start your family and here you are with two gorgeous amazingly special boys. My own path to motherhood was fraught with loss and grief. I know how mindblowingly fabulous it is to see those beautiful smiles.

  9. Wendy

    Happy Birthday Nico! Hope your year is filled with fun.

    Congratulations on your little mans birthday. I loved reading this post and thanks for sharing.

  10. melissa

    happy birthday to nico, and happy mama’s day to you. xo (p.s. beautiful conversation with lauren…thank you)

  11. Isabell Kinga Markus

    Hi Andrea, I found this post, your blog actually, by accident as I was Google searching superheros funnily enough (I’m doing a series of paintings about them at the moment).
    This post is the most beautiful thing I’ve heard in a long time. Extraordinarily gorgeous. What a very lucky boy!

  12. Kathleen

    Love this picture – and his sweet, sweet expression.

    Happy Birthday, Nico!

  13. oprol evorter

    I was studying some of your blog posts on this website and I conceive this site is very informative ! Continue posting.


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