Pre-order Superhero necklaces! + a heartfelt thank you

My dear ones wearing superhero necklaces: Karen Walrond (wearing tropical) and Nicole Socia (wearing earth)

In the last few weeks I have had this incredible hunger to use my hands. To play with color. To listen to my favorite radio stories, move my hands and make something.

The world of writing, the internet, e-courses, even digital photography can start feeling very ephemeral to me. Sometimes it feels like all those words, ideas and images are just floating in the ether. I wonder if any of it is real, you know? I am left living in the upper reaches of my body — just a head, at a desk, typing away at a screen.

This is how I know I am out of balance.

And so, last week I excavated all of the big plastic bins that house my beads. They have been tucked away for years and I spent the entire day cleaning my desk, pulling out bowls of delicious color and neatly placing them on the table. As I dipped my fingers in the bags of beads and turned the jewelry pliers in my hand, it was like cellular memory– A feeling of groundedness and calm came over me and then an incredible urge to get to work! Turn on This American Life or Snap Judgment and just immerse myself in the zone. The art-making zone.

I taught myself to make beaded jewelry when I was in elementary school and had my own little cottage business by ten years old, selling earrings made from toy rubber animals to clothing boutiques. If I wasn’t making jewelry, I was sewing, drawing, painting or choreographing dances to the Flashdance soundtrack. Creativity has always been part of my life.

But here’s the thing I’m realizing now: I love to be creative in a variety of ways, but at some point I need my hands to be involved. I need my body to move. I need to literally make something with my bare hands. Can you relate?

Pre-order a Superhero Necklace!

This is a long way of announcing that I will be making a limited edition batch of Superhero necklaces for the holiday season! You can go ahead and pre-order them now in my Etsy store. There was a big response on my Facebook page when I mentioned this, so I have a feeling these puppies will sell out. I will make as many as I can, but go ahead and order ASAP if you are interested.

P.S. I love you

A huge thank you for all of your kind words, wisdom and support in regard to my last post. It has meant the world to me and has been SO freaking helpful to read your stories and feel your encouragement. I think a lot of people benefited from your generosity, so I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You guys are awesome!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Heather

    I am giddy that the Superhero necklaces are back (albeit briefly)! I just can’t decide on color…. I promise to order before the week is out.

  2. Katrina

    YAY! 🙂 X

  3. Sandra

    I looked to see if you might also be making your “loved” necklaces, but no, alas. I lost mine about a year or so ago, and have been missing it ever since.

  4. Marilee Pittman

    I love my superhero necklace. It’s one of my favourite pieces of jewelry. When I travel I always take it with me knowing it has protective powers.

  5. Beth

    This is super-exciting Andrea! 🙂 I can’t wait to order – will have to save a few weeks – then order 🙂 xoxo as always I totally love them all – wish I could order one of each of them. But will order ‘Joy’ – because – who doesn’t need more Joy! in life?! – big hugs to you, 🙂

  6. Lisa F.

    Love your work Andrea & the new website. One of the things I’m most grateful (ha, I almost typed greatful!) about in becoming a parent is reconnecting with art through the arts & crafts I do with my son. I “gave up” art when my younger sister was deemed The Artist in my family of origin many many years ago, and am, at age 48, reclaiming my own creativity & artistry. Right now I’m doing paper mache for the first time since childhood, making a Hedwig bucket for my aspiring Harry Potter Halloween boy. Going to try jewelry too. thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Jennifer Hagedorn Dizon

    I totally can relate, Andrea! About needing to work with my hands in the ways not related to just clicking the camera or typing at the keyboard. Sometimes I feel like I don’t have enough hands or arms, or that I need more than one body.

    There is something ‘healing’ about making things with ones hands… something that grounds me. I, too, have a cabinet full of beads just waiting for me to dig in again with my bare hands. 😉

    Alas, so many things to do! All the best to you! *HUG*

  8. Vanessa

    I have one of your gorgeous necklaces and I’m so glad more people will now have the chance to wear one!

  9. sarah

    A week or so ago, I was thinking of my work as too “typing on computer” heavy, and thinking the same thing. I’m not trained in jewelery making, but I was so sad that you weren’t making these anymore (and I wear mine almost daily, and have had at least 2 people purchase them after hearing me gush) that I almost offered to take over production for you 🙂 These need to be in the world – thanks for coming back!

  10. Teresa

    Good for you! Your jewelry is beautiful! My bliss is knitting. Knitting for me is sometimes more a form of meditation than about creating something….although that’s a nice by-product. 😉 Enjoy!

  11. Nichole Been

    I wholeheartedly agree! I struggle with the same -instead of think about it, go do it. Thank you.

  12. Mairi

    Are the necklaces still available for ordering? I would sooooo want to order one!!!



  1. Beautiful Faces. Magical Places. — Hannah Marcotti - [...] starting to make things again. I’ll write about it soon, but for now, what she said. Gorgeousness from [...]

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