Elevate the ordinary

spools of thread at the dry cleaner, taken with Iphone 4S

So excited to be writing my brand new course, Elevate the Ordinary! (which begins February 13th) For months I have been feeling like I have been on the outside of my creative life- planning, marketing, scheduling courses, dealing with the business of running a creative business. All of which is important and great, but after a while a girl gets itchy.

This morning I promised myself I would stay away from my computer until I wrote at least one lesson I was proud of. It’s amazing what one morning at a cafe can do for your heart! I made some really great progress and when I stopped by the dry cleaners I snapped the shot above- the perfect example of elevating the ordinary.

It’s amazing to me how just one dedicated hour of time to write, or how one photo that makes my heart swoon is all it takes to set me right as rain.


Amelia from Go Go craft at Teahouse, taken with Iphone

I went to a holiday fair at the fabulous Teahouse studio on Saturday. I was delighted to find a craft table from Go Go craft where anyone could stop by and make some fingerless gloves from old felted cashmere sweaters. With a simple pattern and a needle and thread we were on our way!

Wishing you all a little slice of inspiration today– a blissful five minute walk, a splash of color that makes you grin, a few moments to get your hands a little crafty. It’s like oxygen.



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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. GailNHB

    I would love to make some fingerless gloves – especially if I could sit next to you at the table, talking, laughing, telling stories, while planning to wrap our newly wrapped hands around Berkeley’s best dark roast coffee, laced with soy milk and sugar as we continue the conversation.

    Until such time as that fantasy becomes a reality, I will keep coming back to your blog and being mesmerized by your words, your images, your soul-stirring stories, and your deep beauty.

  2. ARC

    I LOVE the photo of the spools of thread. It makes me wish for a phone that actually snaps a photo of what it focused on, rather than something happening a full second later. Sigh. Maybe Santa will bring me a new phone with a decent camera 😉

    And, I’ve managed to convince 2 people at work to sign up for January’s Mondo Beyondo session, since I wrote a review on my blog. I bet a few more will follow 😉

    Can’t wait to see what your new class is all about!

  3. Amelia Strader

    I’m so glad you liked the glove project. Thanks for sharing that awesome snapshot of me mid lesson 🙂 It really captures how happy I feel when I’m teaching.

  4. Spyros Heniadis

    Wonderful. My current photo project is a self portrait series, but on the in-between, I think my new theme/project will be to Elevate the Ordinary.

  5. oprol evorter

    I enjoy your writing style genuinely enjoying this site.


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