Sponsor Spotlights: Soul*Full eCourse, Shiny Object School and Get Your Paint On

 A huge, warm welcome to my sponsors– and so impressed with all these creative and talented folks! If you’d like to be a sponsor (includes your ad in the sidebar + ongoing sponsor spotlights) we’d love to have you! Just send a quick email to Dani at: superherolife@gmail.com to get all the details.

*Holiday sponsor spots will go quickly, so feel free to reserve now!


Soul*Full eCourse

Are you looking to:
Expand your awareness?
Let go of limiting beliefs?
Create more meaningful photographs?
Embrace and live from your highest potential?
Transform your life?

If so, join photographer Catherine Just in this Soul*FulleCourse designed just for women. Therewill be inspiring video and audio interviews with Catherine’s favorite life leaders: Miguel RuizDouglas BeasleyAndrea ScherBeth NichollsSheri RosenthalMee TraceyAline Smithson and Susannah Conway. We will dive into photography to help you re-learn how to “see” and writing exercises to move more toward gratitude. There will be opportunities to expand your spiritual experience through fun rituals that can help you learn to let go and trust. Mix all that with some healthy recipes, pampering, rest and rejuvenation and you’ve got the ingredients for a more Soul*Filled Life! Join us!

The October session is sold out
Don’t miss your chance this New Year starting January 16th.

Register Now!


Do you have great ideas but lose focus when your excitement fades? Do you wander from the fridge to Facebook to your to-do list without getting much done? Do you ever feel like a flake? Shiny Object School can help you with this.

My approach is one part delving deep, one part fairy dust and one part inspired action. I will not bootcamp you into focused submission. Instead, I’ll show you a practical method to get anything done on your own terms. It really works.

Working with me is better than Valium.

I am a non-linear/ADHD-to-the-max life coach who gets things done. Even if you love shiny objects, it is completely possible to get your projects born + into the world AND you can have fun doing it! True story.

Shiny Object [project] School, group love starts October 20. Click here.
Shiny Object [project] School, just you + me starts now. Click here.

Superhero special: Sign up for group love & get a FREE one-on-one project assessment with me. ($99 value)


Get Your Paint On: Beyond the Basics

with Lisa Congdon and Mati McDonough

October 24 – November 27, 2011

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Artists, illustrators, authors + close friends Lisa Congdon and Mati McDonough have once  again joined together to bring you Get Your Paint On: Beyond the Basics, a follow up course to Get Your Paint On (GYPO)GYPO: Beyond the Basics is designed for people who are interested in taking their painting practice to the next level. The original GYPO class (which was offered in both Winter and Summer 2011) is not a pre-requisite for GYPO: Beyond the BasicsBeyond the Basics is designed for all levels, including beginners. GYPO: Beyond the Basics features more instruction of technical painting skills like layering and creating dimension in your work. Lisa and Mati will share with you how they each approach painting through video demos, written reading on important topics, visual inspiration and support & guidance to participants.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.


1 Comment

  1. oprol evorter

    You got a very excellent website, Gladiolus I found it through yahoo.


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