This week’s delights: 10 things that are making me happy lately

Kelly Rae’s boots, Manzanita, OR, Canon Digital Rebel XSi
photos of twirling girls, Manzanita, OR, Canon Digital Rebel XSi
my little cutie Nico, 9 months and my fave dress, Canon Digital Rebel XSi
1. Okay. So if you are my friend in real life, you will have seen this dress already (pictured above) like five hundred times. I can’t stop wearing it! So I ordered a new one this week.
2. My brand new Macro lens. It’s the Canon 50mm compact macro. Great for getting unreasonably close to flowers and humans alike. This lens is so much fun!
3. Candy Chang’s projects, especially this one. I’m a new/huge fan.
4. I’m usually not into parenting books or the like, but The Daily Groove newsletter really touches me.
5. Chew Beads! Cute accessory for mama, chewy deliciousness for Nico.
6. O Magazine. I know, I know. Who doesn’t like it? But I have to say that one magazine has never done it for me every time like this one.
7. Wearing dresses over pants. Namely, this one by Kavu which is way better looking in real life. I also love this dress by Texture clothing. It’s all hemp! but doesn’t look hippy-licious. I’m longing for one of their comfy skirts.
8. Chocolate cosmos. Not the drink, the flower. They smell like chocolate. For reals! Ben and I are so excited about finding these in the neighborhood that we have vowed to grow some. We also have a date to go to the plant store and ask, “How on the heck do you get those flowers to smell like chocolate?” Ben likes the expression, How on the heck…
9. Nico standing up for moments at a time. Actually, I have mixed feelings about this. It’s bittersweet… and all happening too fast this time around. Nico, slow down! Crawling at 6 months? standing at 9? How on the heck?
10. These photos above of Kelly Rae… who by the way is running her e-course Flying Lessons one more time! You can find out more about it here. Registration closes soon!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. GailNHB

    I love that phrase “how on the heck?” My sweet Kristiana, who started COLLEGE today, crawled at six months and walked at 9 1/2 months. I completely understand you having mixed feelings about that. it’s an odd thing… but amazing too. I am still confused by the fact that she emerged from my body! And how she’s in college… as your wise son so eloquently muses: how on the heck???
    Also, I have been a fan of your dresses and outfits for ages. I’m not a pants-wearer (I gave up on finding women’s pants with a 36-inch inseam and got addicted to a-line skirts and dresses. I’m not complaining about being tall and having long legs, by no means. I am rejoicing that I have found a style, a uniform that works for me – skirts, tee shirts, flats (or Keens or boots), and statement jewelry that ties it all together), and I enjoy browsing for skirts and dresses that tug at my heart. Thanks for those links.
    All in all, I am grooving on your list.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Page

    Doing a poll. Knowing what you know as a mother and one I admire: If you were 40-41 and never had a child, never had a burning desire but love kids… would you recommending still trying to have one? My man really wants one and i believe I would love it but I’m scared. I know they are a lot work and worry. So many things could go wrong and it may not even work. Do you think I should try or just appreciate the life I have?

  3. supra skytop

    supra vaider tuf
    Supra unveils a couple of new colorways in its Skytop II silhouette. Both blue and gold make themselves visible, showcasing the newly re-designed uppers of one of the more popular skate models sometime, and they’ve become more known for their fashionable sensibilities. Blue and gold are two kinds of beautiful colors, their combination is such wonderful that attracts many consumers. And the quality is quite high, we are sure you won’t regret to own one. So if you need more information, please contact us. Of course, if your order is large enough, we will give you some discount.

  4. Puanani Leal

    No Way! I just had lunch with an old friend YESTERDAY and she had on this GREAT dress, it was a gift so she didn’t know where it came from…THIS IS THE SAME DRESS. Talk about synergy. Thank!

  5. miriam

    We live on Whidbey Island where there is the Chocolate Flower Farm. They specialize in brown and black flowers and those that have a chocolate scent.

  6. nina

    Love this list! I’ve considered the chew beads as a gift for a friend, but I wasn’t quite sure…now I’m convinced.
    Sounds like Nico is ready to dance with Ben. I always missed those chubby baby legs once mine started walking!

  7. deb miller

    Can’t tell you how many time and in so many ways you have given me inspiration and that little boost i need every now and again! you rock!

  8. DeAnne Olguin Williamson

    I am smiling so big about “how on the heck”. Those little things make me happy too.

  9. LauraC

    Oh goodness, I clicked the link and found the perfect dress for me. YAY!
    My Alex crawled at 6 months and walked at an early 10. Physically inquisitive = 99% of our babyproofing was for him!

  10. Julie George

    I love Texture clothing..and have several of their comfy skirts…..I highly recommend them! 🙂

  11. Kristy

    Hey Andrea
    Thanks for parenting email link. Just read the one for today and I got goose bumps. So nice to be reminded what teachers our babes are to us.

  12. Leslie

    OOOOO love the dress(es) and would love to have the body to wear one…Kelly Rae photos are gorgeous too…if I were a designer I would make clothes like she is wearing…in another life…I almost switched to Fashion Design in college 40 years ago..shoulda woulda coulda.

  13. Zetta Rehling

    But I give Sabean credit for improving the Giants offense significantly. And Im guessing the Cubs, Brewers, Braves and the rest of the wild-card contenders all of whom live in fear of the Giants pitching arent happy at all.

  14. Angie

    Hi Andrea,

    I had to come back to this post and comment about my Synergy dress that arrived in the mail today! It is so comfy I never want to take it off, and so adorable. I got the bird applique keyhole dress. Thanks for the link!

  15. Laura Neff

    Andrea! I’m catching up on your summer posts and just had to pop in and say, “oooh! Love that dress!” And then tell you how I smiled when I went to the website and realized that my very most favorite skirt right now is by Synergy! Can’t stop wearing its soft, organic, hand-appliqued fabulousness! It’s the short version of this one, which I don’t see on their site:

    Got it in a tiny little shop in Asheville, NC, and wish I had 12 of them. 🙂

    Sending lots of love from the east coast to you, and loving all your pics and posts! Dang those little boys are gorgeous. <3

    p.s. Going to see The Weepies here in Charlotte this week! Woot!

  16. oprol evorter

    Enjoyed reading through this, very good stuff, regards. “Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.” by Euripides.


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