self-portrait, ginkgo leaves, Canon PowerShot S95
What i am enjoying these days:
The fall leaves covering the ground.
Spending time with Matt.
Every sound that Nico makes.
Every hour of sleep I get.
Every meal that a friend brings over.
The books I have been devouring.
My home.
Making tissue paper pom poms for Ben’s birthday party.
Reading Expressive Photography and feeling so proud to be a part of it.
Watching Glee.
Collaborating with Brene Brown on a Dream Lab.
Every small kindness.
There is a way that birth opens you up, not only physically but in other ways too. This birth cracked me open, not in a traumatic way, but in the sense that I am more open now than I have been in a long time. The feeling that this is a window of opportunity is almost palpable– a crack letting more light in, more love, and more healing than I ever could have imagined. I am treading lightly with it, not wanting this window to close, wanting to be as conscious as I can to take advantage of all this moment has to give. I almost don’t want to say too much about it, just to acknowledge that this time feels sacred and fleeting, and that the possibility of miracles feels unbearably close.
Beautiful! Enjoy!!!!!
Beautiful post! Enjoy the little everyday moments.
Love the photo, such a beautiful shot and the colors are amazing.
you’re beautiful.
You are on exquisite and extraordinary human being, Andrea. All of these gifts from the universe are so richly deserved.
In awe of you for savouring every moment.
such a beautiful post…i love the way you say things. “the possibility of miracles feels unbearably close.” birth and motherhood are so amazing this way.
It sounds like a beautiful thing and I am so glad it is happening for you.
Oh this is exciting and hopeful and so wonderful.
THIS is what makes life so belly flipping awesome: “the possibility of miracles feels unbearably close.”
i loved reading is…
it reminded me of how birth and death are connected.
am seeing a dear friend mourn the loss of her husband.
it is a sad and tragic occasion.
but – as in birth – their is a sense of time stopping.
and sacredness.
be blessed, one thousand times.
What a beautiful post…I’ve read the last sentence 4 times now.
Have you heard this song?
It’s a song Mattisyahu released for Chanukah (tonight’s the last night!) and it was the first thing I thought of after reading what you wrote…
All the best.
breast cancer Woulleyabotly
What a gorgeous picture with the colorful bright leaves. And I love this post. ?
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This is beautiful, thank you for writing and sharing. I feel it, too. 🙂
Former MondoBeyondo-er. (October 09!)
Thank you for saying this. I’m one week and two days away from my due date now and happy anticipation about the baby is mixed with dread for the actual birth. Your words made it a little easier – and increased the anticipation 🙂
Beautifully put, and a lovely image that captures the ephemeral nature of this time. Your words are spare and full of wonder – what wonderful awareness you have. Blessings to you and your family during this time.
I love this: “the possibility of miracles feels unbearable close.”
It makes wonder feel almost tangible.
So glad you are having this window of time.
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keep up the good work on the site. I appreciate it. Could maybe use some more updates more often, but i’m sure you got other things things to do , hehe. =)