apples from Flatwood Farm, Berkeley, CA Canon Digital Rebel XSi
There is a magic cart at my public library.
I’ll admit, I didn’t find it until a few weeks ago because I didn’t frequent the library. Sure, I love books and book stores and reading, but I somehow missed the memo on how cool the library is. It took a full blown moratorium on dvd watching and a case of swine flu to inspire me, and now I’m hooked. So is Ben.
I can’t believe you can have anything you want for free! that they’ll transfer whatever you like from the main library, that you can look books up online and reserve them that way, that they don’t even charge late fees on childrens’ books… And then there’s this magic cart. It houses the most recent returns of nonfiction books and every time I choose something randomly from this cart, it rocks my world. My most recent finds:
Geography of Love by Glenda Burgess
Thinking About Memoir by Abigail Thomas
Storycatcher by Christina Baldwin
And a book I found through the Mondo Beyondo community that I fell crazy in love with is called An Awesome Book.
If I could favorite this a million times, I would. Thank you for posting this. Libraries are the best.
I live over in Oakland near Piedmont Ave and I LOVE THE OAKLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM!! (and the Berkeley library, although I don’t get over there as often). I use it just about every week and am astonished at the things I get delivered to my local library branch for free. I request things online all the time. No limit! Can I say again how much I love the library? This is my first experience with big-city libraries (after small-town ones or the Alameda library) and I’m in love, love love. Rock on, libraries!
that’s so funny, i LOVE the library for all these reasons. now i’ll be tracking down some new books thanks to your suggestions 😉 my library even has an wishlist so if library patrons are feeling dreamy, you can buy a book that the library wants and send it to them! how cool is that!
Libraries are great aren’t they? I use mine all the time, not only for books but DVDs too – classic movies, documentaries, cartoons – all for free!
I love our local library – it is so busy they are open 7 days a week! They even hang local art on the walls and I have sold stuff there. I always worry when they start chopping stuff with that nasty budget ax. Thanks for the book tips!
I love the library. I am the biggest fan.
I just got Storycather too Andrea – I am really, really enjoying it.
I know! The library is so cool & so FREE :0) Except when we get fines (my family has fine issues). Have you read Abby Thomas’ non-fiction/memoirs? SO good. And Abby is a very nice/cool person & great teacher. I was able to work with her and a small group of women at a Tin House workshop years ago. It was nice to see her name on your list of discoveries – made me remember how fun that experience was.
I heart libraries as well. Have you read “The Hummingbird’s Daughter?” If not, I highly recommend it…I had such lovely, vivid waking dreams while reading it!
Melissa Hay
I heart libraries as well. Have you read “The Hummingbird’s Daughter?” If not, I highly recommend it…I had such lovely, vivid waking dreams while reading it!
Melissa Hay
I heart libraries as well. Have you read “The Hummingbird’s Daughter?” If not, I highly recommend it…I had such lovely, vivid waking dreams while reading it!
Melissa Hay
welcome to my world 😉 so glad you’ve discovered it (or maybe rediscovered it with your child?)
Libraries have always been cool in my book 🙂
Just read The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Society, having reserved it months ago, it’s so popular, you’re only allowed to have it for two weeks
thanx for the headsup about “An Awesome Book”, which I discovered via Redemption Junkie’s blog
love it – like totally 😉
An Awesome Book is truly fabulous. I bought two, one for my son and one perhaps for his teacher. I may need to get more I love it so very much.
Thanks for the book recs. I love how you’re always finding bits of magic.
Oh, my! I’ve just discovered you while reading Fussy. What a charming and uplifting place. Three posts and I’m so glad I’m here. Especially loved the Halloween story — the journey is the happy place to be . . . Thanks!
I have been a library girl since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I think they are very magic places. My parents used to take us kids every 3 weeks like clock-work. I am probably the biggest user of my library’s website, I put books on hold all the time!
Suggestions for Ben that my Gage loved when he was little:
Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type
You are Special by Max Lucado
and all the Sandra Boynton books
Hi – I’ve been reading your site for years. I’m a public librarian in Nevada, and all I can say is a big fist-pumping “Raaaahhh!” when I read your entries about your recent library discoveries.
P.S. I also second the recommendation of what I call “the potato peel book.” It’s delightful!
Hi – I’ve been reading your site for years. I’m a public librarian in Nevada, and all I can say is a big fist-pumping “Raaaahhh!” when I read your entries about your recent library discoveries.
P.S. I also second the recommendation of what I call “the potato peel book.” It’s delightful!