
tubers, Canon Digital Rebel

My friends Grant and Viola are in Anarctica studying penguins for the 10th year! You can follow their journey here.

The yummiest site to see in winter is by the San Francisco Exploratorium. {via Sarah Ward} Be sure to click on “Hello Dahlia.”

And this so delighted me today I had to share it!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Jill

    4 words – OBSESSED with the wombat!!

  2. marcilambert

    wish you could have seen the huge smile on my face when i clicked on the wombat link. awesome.

  3. Meg

    Siiiigggghhhh… I L-O-V-E the Exploratorium. That was one of my favorite places to go when I was little.. I used to go on “special days” there with my dad. To this day it brings back my childlike wonder when I visit. Rubbing your hands under the pin table, the giant gyroscope that draws pictures, building a arch out of rubber blocks and then walking across it… and lets not forget the contraption that lets you whisper in your friends ear from across the cavernous room. And if all that isn’t enough feeling your way through the tactile dome in the pitch black is sure to re-ignite your sense of wonder about the world.
    And what a beautiful site they have up. It makes me want to run across the country and go play.

  4. delia~rose

    ohmehgodd. that was so gudd.
    the “all one” jive~~***
    thanks, babe.

  5. Ellen

    LOVE that wombat — right on little criterman!

  6. Jenn

    I think you are trying to find more ways to tease me with my favorite Dahlias so I come to SF. I can’t get enough of these lovely flowers and that was just beautiful. Thank you as always for sharing, even if it makes me long for a summer morning in SF more than ever.

  7. Lorra

    Thanks for the Antarctica journal link. I have plans to go there in 5 years hopefully – it’s so expensive, but it’s a dream of mine to go there!

  8. Jennifer

    what a great way to say something so important (wombat). not too pushy not too silly not too long – just right 🙂 thanks for the link…

  9. jennifer

    I wasn’t going to post again, since i already have – but I LOVED the exploratorium…all of it. I’ve been watching the “any little patch of dirt” video and I can’t help but think, as I often do, about how much art is in nature.The colors and textures, the way flowers and plants can transform an unattractive, dull, or unhappy space always surprises me. Even the single flower I sometimes see at the very beginning of spring or early winter (in the midewest)brings me such happiness 🙂 It doesn’t take much!

  10. edosan

    Love your weblog.
    A fine addition to visual-voice, from whom I linked to you (via the Wombat, natch…).

  11. Jen Downer

    Hi A!
    I love you share little goodies like there! Almost as much as I love when you share your journey, but not quite as much. ;o)
    I just wanted to comment on what a rich array of people you seem to have in your community of friends. Its wonderful! They all seem so fascinating and delightful.

  12. jill

    ok…i just LOVE that wombat video…thanks SO much for sharing…your blog is simply SPLENDID!
    have a beautiful day~jill

  13. Joan

    the wombat was awesome – thanks for that! also equally awesome were grant and viola’s pictures of antartica! frustrating, though, that you cannot leave comments on their pages. if you’re in contact with them, please encourage them to keep posting more shots.

  14. Moose

    I’ve been reading your site for awhile and I just wanted to say that your photography is beautiful. I want to put that picture of tubers in my kitchen so I can stare at it while I’m eating cookies and pretend to be healthy.

  15. surcie

    Love the color scheme of this photo. You could decorate a room using this as color inspiration!

  16. G-Man

    Wow…for some reason, this makes me think of spring! Great photo, Andrea, as usual!

  17. christina

    Links worthy of grinning about. And your tubers. They’re beautiful.

  18. Phil

    Nice photo, I like the colours.
    As for the flash movie – damn good. We gotta spread the word!

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