The Weepies

Steve Tannen & Deb Talan, Canon Digital Rebel

Amidst the buzz buzz of holiday jewel-ing and t-shirt mailing, I had a chance to photograph The Weepies when they passed through town on their tour. Matt and I had the pleasure of having them in our home for a few days which was a treat beyond the rarest treat. I realized I hadn’t played in a while. I’ve been all business and working hard and elfing away in my workshop to This American Life while taking intermittent trips to UPS. I hadn’t stopped to get inspired again.

If you haven’t heard their music , you will be sufficiently blown away when you do. Listen to some clips on their site and then know that the sweetest hearts imaginable are behind those gorgeous songs.


Jeff Gates Patented Seven Step Gift-Giving System is brilliant and funny.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. JC

    That was brillliant and funny. Plus, I really liked the love story.

  2. Caroline

    The Weepies are awesome, I bought their album last weekend for a friends Christmas gift. I can’t afford anything for myself this year with my tuition, but I did put your jewelry down on my wishlist :). And as far as the whole all work no play thing goes, I think that’s why Hermey wanted to be a dentist.

  3. stef

    Oh, how fun!!! Such a pleasure to see them ~

  4. Karen

    Never heard of them, but love the clip. Thanks for turning me onto them!

  5. jen

    lucky you to get some time with the beautiful Deb and Steve!
    wish i could have been at the table with you all…jen

  6. Julia

    How delightfully lucky you are, to have had the Weepies as house guests! I love their music. What a great way to take a much needed break. Hang in there…..:)

  7. The Other Brian

    I heart the Weepies. I got there CD based on your post in August when they played at your house. It’s great music.

  8. Hazel

    I heard The Weepies based on your post back in the summer. I love them so much! Deb Talan’s solo work is so beautiful too.
    Thanks so much for spreading the love!

  9. Amanda

    WOW! What a treat. I saw the Weepies play here in Atlanta in October and they were amazing. I have been a fan of Deb for some time and this was my first exposure to her + Steve. They are wonderful and I hope they come back soon!

  10. - h -

    oh my god, im listening to their sound clips as i write this 🙂 oh, would they tour the UK!
    i love the picture. theyre two beautiful people. and the blue background sets them off nicely.
    fantastic photography (as usual!)

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