Jen Gray, Canon 300D
A beautiful entry from Jen Gray about tears. It reminded me that I cried the other night during Extreme Makeover Home Edition. My husband looked over at me, trying not to laugh and said sweetly, “Oh honey…”
Jen Gray, Canon 300D
A beautiful entry from Jen Gray about tears. It reminded me that I cried the other night during Extreme Makeover Home Edition. My husband looked over at me, trying not to laugh and said sweetly, “Oh honey…”
On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.
As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.
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Shantini Rajah is a writing and manifesting mentor and energy practitioner. She loves helping conscious entrepreneurs find their true voice and manifest a life and business they love. Her brand new book is called Manifest Anything You Want: Six magical steps to...
In The Good Eater, Harvard-trained sociologist (and vegan) Nina Guilbeault, PhD vividly explores the movement's history and its present-day tensions by grappling with the most fundamental question of all: Is there a truly ethical way to eat? What emerges is a...
James Crews is the editor of several bestselling anthologies, including The Path to Kindness: Poems of Connection and Joy and How to Love the World: Poems of Gratitude and Hope, which has over 100,000 copies in print. He has been featured in The Washington Post, The...
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How wonderful! Thanks for reminding me that I am not alone.
I have always been known as “the sensitive one” in my family. As a child, I cried so often that my parents accused me of faking it for attention! (Not true.) I think the most embarassing thing I have ever cried for was a picture of the liberty bell. I’m not a patriotic person, but it was the Fourth of July, I was alone, and there was a special on PBS. Hee hee. The most recent thing I cried about were the lyrics to one of my favorite love songs. That was two nights ago.
oh i cried watching extreme makeover, too. it was the first time i watched it and i came with the thought of how bad it was that a makeover would make someone love himself or herself more. but it was something else when i saw the participants crying after their makeovers… it was sad…
I remember taking a workshop with Stephen Levine some 15 years ago and we were talking about being sensitive and he said: only a heart that is broken can hold the whole world. Tears: soul lubrication 🙂
I just finished reading Jen’s piece about tears. I too, get all misty and what most others consider silly. It’s nice to hear that there are others like us who feel things more deeply than alot of people. Call me sappy or sentimental or emotional….I don’t mind. I think I am blessed to be able to feel sadness and empathy. So many people in the world are so jaded, they think a few tears makes them seem weak. I feel just the opposite. To be able to shed an honest tear is a sign of strength, and courage, and hope. Thanks for the post! 🙂
Extreme Makeover Home Edition always makes me cry. *sigh* I’m such a sap…but it feels good.
I have been spending a great deal of time lately in sadland. If tears are indeed the “summer showers of the soul”, then I am often caught in a flash flood. Or at least a light mist.
I pop into your site from time to time, randomly reading…I have been in California for two years now and still so lonely and out of place, your site makes it easier to pretend I fit in somewhere. I recently signed a lease for a new apartment, an old victornian house with a wrap-around-porch that shouted to me “live here!” When they (the landlords) offered me the apartment I cried and hugged them, I told them “today is my independence day.” Then I went home, scared and told my boyfriend I was moving out, and I cried again…independence day is bitter sweet. I have never lived on my own, afriad of failing, and I might just have to fail, but I don’t want to say I haven’t tried.