Matt and I are living alone for the first time. Our dream of creating a home together is now officially coming true.
Lucky thing that we got married because between Matt and I, we had approximately three saucepans and 75 bowls (I have a bowl fetish) When our housemate moved out we realized that we had been riding on the bounty of his gear for quite some time.
Insert – wedding presents!
Creating our kitchen has been the most fun. Do they say that the kitchen is the heart of the home? If they do, I agree. Every time we have a party the entire house could be empty, but there is gridlock in the kitchen. It’s as if the life force itself emanates directly from the oven and swirls around the kitchen island. Do you ever notice this?
For this reason, I am grateful for one gift in particular – the George Forman grill.
My friends will laugh when they read this because they know that I literally light up when I talk about “The George” or “George” or “Georges” (said in thick french accent).
We received this gift only last week and have used, excuse me, the shit out of it. I find it hilarious that an appliance could make me so happy, particularly one as silly and home-shopping-network-info-mercial-cheesy as the George Forman grill, but goddamn. I love this grill.
Look out Matt.
you are hilarious, your voice sounds so much like many of my best friends, including my mom. I know what you mean about the kitchen. Yep, ours too, any gathering we have, a convergence happens in the beautiful bright kitchen. our house is cozy, inviting, but the kitchen is the room of choice to hang. so cheers to that! and although I don’t have a “georges”, I can’t live with out my blender. I use the shat outta of it! for drinks, dressings, soups and spreads, its a whipper upper that I would deeply miss if i couldn’t have one., welcome back!
i went through the same george forman grill honeymoon phase–i couldn’t stop talking about him. i even used it last 4th of july. (the turkey burgers? magnifique!)
but now, oh, now i am in love with the swiffer wet-jet. cleaning the kitchen floor has never been such a thrill. it even handles hardwood floors.
as a kid did you ever think we’d get so excited over our household appliances/gadgets? isn’t it funny how what makes us so ecstatically happy changes as we get older. ahhh, those wonderful little pleasures in life….
I knew I would find support for my new fetish from you all!
Ah, yes! the Swiffer is a big big favorite of mine as well. It started with the dry kind, then the Swiffer wet jet. Pure domestic bliss.
Amy, you might have to invest in a George yourself. You won’t be sorry.
They ain’t callin’ it kitchen party for nuttin’, nah, nah 🙂 We here call this phenomenon “kitchen party”.
I just own a whimsical electric grill, but it’s most fun when we have a BBBQ [balcony barbeqeue]. I guess it’s a must, just like a blender. As a child, I was in love with my dolls’ dishes and cooking gadgets, I guess it sort of shaped me…
I love your wedding pictures. I got married on June 7th and unfortunatly are not as in love with my wedding photographer as you, but I did manage to get some very nifty shots that a friend took with my camera, so I am not that displeased, just happy to be among the married and happy!
Our favorite kitchen miracle gift has proved to be the Salad Spinner! I love it, how did we ever get by with hand washing & drying vegtables? Our fabulous foreman grill was a birthday present a few years ago, so it has some milage on it, but it is still in great shape, just like its namesake. (teehee)
Thanks for sharing your pictures with us!
one of my FAVORITE meals (i even eat it for breakfast!) is marinated firm tofu sliced into a 1/2″ steak and grilled on my little georgie. i marinate in soy sauce, honey, a little vinegar, secret herbs and spices, and love. oh yes, i love that little georgie.
Okay, that is too funny. I call mine (which my grandma got me for my wedding shower) “My boyfriend Georges”, said with the French accent…
But I can see that I must now invest in a swiffer wet jet. Our apartment floors are starting to look like a cat-hair-carpet.
When my fiance’s best friend got married, he got him a George and he still loves his.
And it’s good to hear someone else besides me and my mother has a serious bowl fetish. I love my bowls. FYI – TJMaxx is a GREAT place to get really good bowls cheap. Stuff that Williams Sonoma carries for 3 times the price.
first, welcome back!!!
second, I must go out now and buy myself a George (hope they are available north of the border). While I love my Swiffer and Swiffer wet, the one appliance I can’t live without is my Shark Super Steamer. Looks like a dusbuster, but fills with water and steams away dirt and grime. Got mine before PAssover to clean up the kitchen, but now I find myself steam cleaning the bathroom regularly, doing the windows (they are lots of little panes in our windows…) and even steaming the laundry room floor…..
I love my George Foreman grill. A friend gave me the cute mini one for my birthday. I think it’s one of the best gifts ever.
Isn’t it funny that all the “homey & domestic” stuff thrills us now that were older? I too love my George Foreman grill. It rocks!! But the high point for me in appliances was my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. You know…. the heavy duty bakery kind. I can’t belive how much I really do use it. another milestone for us was actually buying furniture you don’t have to put together!!! Now I guess “No Assembly Required” means I’m officially a grown up…. or at least well on my way there. Welcome back. Continued blessings to you and Matt.
sorry, but WHAT is a George Forman grill????? I know of the man but not his grill..indulge me…
Ah yes…..must give snaps to the George! We have 2. The family size that I got as a Christmas present a year or so ago and then a mini one we got as a wedding gift which works great for when we have burgers since dh & I put our beef ones on the big grill and step-sons Boca burgers can go on the mini!
And I second the Kitchen Aid vote as well. My only other recommendation would have to be a rice cooker….so handy that one!
I laughed out loud when I read this entry! My love, Eric, and I got married last September and our first couple of weeks as a married couple Georges is the ONLY thing we used! My aunt and uncle have no idea the happiness that they brought us with that wedding present!
George is the man.
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If you would be unloved and forgotten, be reasonable.
Perceptions do not limit reality.